


Contains the talent's name and basic info. All other information is stored in Contacts, which include personal and business. Think of Accounts as the name of the person who is your client and the Contacts as all the details of that person and their businesses.



Contacts contain all the details about the client. There are business and personal contacts. Business contacts are for a client’s business or businesses, each one having its own contact

In the related lists sections, there is also a sub-contact section for the types of people listed.

Related fields that have an icon before the name live elsewhere, while ones without an icon are only accessible from this page.

Personal contacts different fields than Contacts Business

In the related lists sections, there is also a sub-contact section for the types of people listed.

Related fields that have an icon before the name live elsewhere, while ones without an icon are only accessible from this page.



This is someone who works for or is related to a contact, like an Agent, Manager or Lawyer. These supporting roles are unique to each client. If there are supporting roles that are shared by clients, they can go under Related Contacts in Contacts.



Reports show Detailed information all in one space.  They can be live reports or printed.

Credit Cards


This section includes login information, security questions, and full credit card numbers for each client.



Projects remind staff to reconcile bank accounts and credit card accounts or to prepare 1099s.

Financial Reports


Financial Reports keep track of all the reporting that is prepared monthly for clients.



Events Track and manage things that are happening in your clients' life.



Commissions Enables you to track your clients’ jobs along with who gets paid  commissions and how much they get.